Tuesday, October 18, 2005

My "Guilty" Pleasures/Confessions

Okay, Shauna, I accept your "tag"!

- I talk in a "baby" voice to my cat...I don't know why. He's just so stinkin' cute that it comes out of me without even thinking about it. I PRAY I don't talk like that to the kids we hopefully have (in about 10 years).

- I have been reading websites on the history of Rome. I am obsessed. My favorite husband has ordered me another history book about Pontius Pilot...I cannot wait to get it!

- I watch the Ashlee Simpson show. (I am so ashamed...I just can't help it....)

- I own all of Celine Dion's cds from about 1990-1997. Shauna, you can borrow any of them! ;)

- I love vacuuming - but you all probably know that now.

- I LOVE personality tests. As much as I hate being "put in a box" I love trying to understand why I do what I do. It helps me relate to others better too.

- I don't know what my real hair color is.

- I am obsessive compulsive. Seriously, ask Chris.

So, now I tag you all!


shauna said...

i like personality tests too! nerd!

Dr. A said...

Okay...I thought you were cool until I read about Celine Dion. OUCH. She syphons hardcore.

Cat said...

Um, didn't you ask for an Amy Grant album last Christmas???