Saturday, February 01, 2014

Potty Training

 Harper has been saying that she would be potty trained when she was three. She was pretty set on that age. It sounded like a good time for me too, but as we got another big snow that shut the entire town of Bville down (again), I decided we should put to good use the time being stuck in the house... Thankfully, she complied and potty training was nearly as traumatic as I'd anticipated!
I let her pick out several kinds of juices, borrowed a pink potty from friend, and we watched a lot of Doc McStuffins. She did fantastic. We may have had 2 accidents early on, but she got the hang of it pretty quickly. Going #2 seemed to be scary and that took a little longer, but overall the process was smooth.

I'd promised her a ballerina outfit once she was potty trained. It hung in her closet for about 3 months before we took the plunge. She was very excited to finally get to wear it, but once the camera came out she busted out some very intense/Black Swan type moves. She never ceases to surprise me. 
Now we have no children in diapers!!! HALLELUJAH!!!

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