Tuesday, May 05, 2009

My Squatty Body Boy has Reflux!

We took Owen in for his 2 month check-up last week. Overall, he was very healthy and has doubled his birth weight! The nurse told me that he was in the 90th percentile in head size (not a huge surprise since he has Dodson in him...our heads run large...let the jokes begin), 75th in the weight, and 25th in height. Short and round. :) I'm sure his height will catch up eventually...right?! We also found out that he has reflux pretty badly. It wasn't a huge surprise with the way he was spitting up and eating was becoming uncomfortable. She has put him on medication for two months now, which makes me cringe. I just pray that he won't have any bad side affects and that the medication will help his tummy. It's pretty remarkable how happy he's been in spite of being in pain. He's pretty wonderful!


Leslie said...

I love that picture! His smile is so cute. I'm glad they offered a solution to his tummy problems. I hope the meds work!

Unknown said...

What a cutie!! Our little Victoria also has reflux, but they haven't felt the need to put her on medication...are you sure it's necessary? ~christine