Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm a Sucker

I came downstairs one afternoon after putting Harper and Owen down for nap to hear a faint meowing sound. And then I saw a grey streak in the living room with Ethan following behind laughing. (mind you, we do not own an animal of any sort) It never crossed my mind to clarify that we do not let animals into the house, but apparently I should have because Ethan was playing with a stray cat in my living room! I couldn't decide if I was grossed out or thought it was sweet. A little startled I reprimanded Ethan and told him to get the cat outside. He burst into tears, sobbing, "The cat is my best friend! He will be sad and lonely outside without me!" And my heart melted. A little. Next thing I know we're giving the cat a bowl full of milk and some extra lunch meat. I try to justify the treat by telling myself that the cat WON'T poop in our sandbox and he'll catch lots of mice as a "thank you" for the food. Regardless, that cat has become a permanent fixture in our backyard. I guess as long as he stays out there...

1 comment:

Amanda said...

hahahahahahahahahaaahahaha I can't stop! Well, if he disappears I've got some replacements for you!