Monday, July 26, 2010

16...17 Months

Okay, so I really fell off the blogging wagon with Owen's birth months...July has been a busy month!

Owen continues to entertain us. He's still pushing "ding dings" around the house, and he never, ever sits still. He's really gotten into dancing, and I was able to capture his latest "car seat dance" while we drove to St Louis this past weekend.

It amazes me how much he understands. I have to remind myself that he really does understand what I am saying when he's choosing to do the opposite. The dreaded word "NO" has entered his vocabulary unfortunately! It is fun watching him learn how to communicate in ways other than screaming (although that is quite effective!). My favorite is when he says "Peeese" (please). He has taken several nasty falls and hit his head in the exact same spot every time. I am afraid he's going to have a permanent goose-egg on his head. He is STILL putting everything in his mouth. I really thought he was doing well coloring with markers one day, until...

Owen definitely has a sensitive little heart. The past several weeks when his big brother has gotten into trouble (usually for some offense to his little brother), Owen bawls until he sees that Ethan is okay. He generally asks for his "Bubba" (yes, we're officially Arkansans) first thing in the morning too. I hope that they are lifelong friends...


Amy said...

That video was hilarious- especially Ethan and Chris singing in the background. Owen's face has changed in one week! He looks a lot like Ethan in the marker pictures.

Leslie said...

Great video! Love the backup singers too. He looks like he's grown so much since we left :(