Monday, May 05, 2008

My Big Boy

We have a park across the street from our house that Ethan and I go to almost daily. Generally, out of habit, I just carry him over there. It's easier. But a few days ago I asked him if he wanted to walk - but he had to hold my hand. He grabbed my hand and we walked side-by-side over to the park. It was a seemingly simple, ordinary act, but it hit me on the way across the street that I was walking with my son! Just a year ago he was an infant and now he's my little buddy that I do everything with. I am amazed at how much he's grown and changed. And I don't think I could have ever imagined just how nuts I would be about him and motherhood.

1 comment:

Mandy S said...

awww...that made my eyes well up :)