Monday, September 11, 2006

Week #18

This where Baby H is this week...

Your baby's brain is growing rapidly. By this stage, all of the major areas have been differentiated. The cortical layers, which govern specific brain functions, are beginning to form. The fetus may exhibit signs of a primitive body language in utero, such as recoiling when the needle for the amniocentesis comes too close for comfort. Within the next few weeks, she'll be able to hear voices outside the womb and respond positively to music or loving words. It's time to fine-tune your singing and storytelling skills!


Kelli said...

She'll??? Are you using it in a neutral tense or oes it mean what I think it means???

Cat said...

Ha! Nope...the website with the weekly updates uses "she" when referring to the baby. We don't find out the gender till the first of October! We're taking taking bets on what it is.... :)

Virginia said...

cat, i saw that too and thought you were sneaking in that you know what the baby is!!! ;) can't wait to keep reading about your little one! miss you!