Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Christmas Marathon

 We feel very blessed that we're able to celebrate Christmas multiple times during the season, and this year was no different. I think the kids love that they can say they get to have four Christmas's hard to beat!

Our Family Christmas
 We let the kids open the gifts they'd bought each other the night of the 23rd, and I think it's safe to say they all bought well for each other. The hugs and "how did you know I wanted this" was the best. We celebrated our Christmas the morning of the 24th, and this year we did four gifts for each of us: a want, a need, something to wear, and something to read. Naturally Harper's favorite gift was her "something to wear"...that girl loves her sparkly shoes! Ethan seemed to spend most of the morning reading, and Owen was so excited for his "want" - a real leaf blower. He could hardly wait to get into the garage and blow leaves out.
After we enjoyed a leisurely morning of playing with our gifts, eating cinnamon rolls and lounging in our pjs, we packed up and headed to Oklahoma...

Dodson Christmas
This was the year for us to be at my parent's, and it was a full house with 8 adults and 8 grandkiddos (the 9th is coming soon)! The cousins loved playing with each other and the adults enjoyed being together and eating Mimi's food. 

Mimi started the tradition that the grandkids act out the story of Christ's birth while Papi reads it out loud. The last two years Jack and Ethan have requested the roles of the donkeys...I won't read into that one... Claire is Mary, Owen is Joseph, and Lily, Harper and Micah are angels. I think Henry was supposed to be baby Jesus, but he was much more content sitting in Mimi's lap. Needless to say, it's quite entertaining.

 Mimi always does such a good job picking out matching pjs for everyone...

 And the rest of the time we just enjoyed being together! The older kids were always in a fort, outside exploring or engrossed in Legos, so most of my pictures are of the little girls...

We were able to see Grandma while we were in Oklahoma and exchange gifts with her and Lynn. It was cute watching the kids open their gifts and be in awe that she knew exactly what they wanted. Even though the time with her was short, the kids managed to squeeze in some peach water and a meal at Ted's. Everyone was happy!

Paw Paw's
And last but certainly not least, we headed to Paw Paw's to celebrate with the "Southern Hoyles". The kids love running into his living room to see their gifts on his pool table, and as always he got them great gifts. He fed us all well per the usual and it was fun making memories with the cousins. 

Our marathon Christmas season really put a nice bow on 2013 for us. We feel incredibly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. Above all, we're thankful that our Savior!

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